Want to Know What a Documentary Family Photo Session Looks Like?

I get it. Documentary is a little confusing and sounds like jargon that only photographers use and throw around. So it completely makes sense that you want to know what a “documentary” family photo session will even actually look like. Well the answer is simple… it will look like you. No, really! A Documentary family photo session is about capturing what life actually looks like right now. No posing, no fluff, nothing fake, or staged, or forced…

Something I ask all my clients before coming into their home is, “What does this stage of life you're in currently look and feel like?”

I ask this because my goal and hope during every session is to capture not just beautiful images, but images that actually mean something to you. Images that help you remember and cherish what your life really looks and (most importantly) feels like right now.
These weeks, months, years of crazy, frustrating, lovely, messy!… Go by so much faster than we feel they will.

The little moments throughout a normal day get overlooked because they become the repetitive but consistent hum of your simple everyday… until one day you realize you’ve subtly slipped into the “next chapter.”

All the little details, routines, quirks, and milestones fade away, almost overnight. The pain of that realization lingers like a dull ache without time to process it, because immediately you are thrust into new milestones, new quirks and new little people to become fascinated with and love all over again…

It’s why I shoot the way I do.
I want you to have more than your likeness in a beautiful random field, I want you to have images that feel like looking through a window to the past. A beautiful 3rd person perspective of your story at that time in your life that you can always return to and visit.

Below is an example of what a full documentary family photo session looks like.

When I asked this family the above question, they said life feels
“Hectic, but sweet..” and they wanted to capture the things they currently do together, including moments of laughter, their shared joy, bond, and the struggle and beauty of caring for 3 little ones.

What do you think? Were we able to capture that? What would it look like if we were to get together and capture a blip of your everyday? I promise… it’d be a lot more beautiful than you dare to think…

Tell me, what does this stage of life you're in currently look and feel like? What moments do you want to have to always look back on?

Want to learn more about documentary family photography? click here.

Think you want to book a session with me? Click here and let’s chat!