Business Spotlight - The Gratitude Garden in Blackfoot Idaho

For months I’ve had this idea to start a project that spotlights small businesses right here in Blackfoot and surrounding areas in East and SouthEast Idaho.

For this project, I am not just photographing images of the establishment, or the people who own or work there… but a true behind the scenes. A glimpse of the process but especially, the heart and soul that drives these small business owners to do what they do and create what they create.

I am so happy to say that the very first spotlight of this personal project belongs to Kelly and her Gratitude Garden.

When asked, what inspired her to start The Gratitude Garden, she said,

“For me, The Gratitude Garden has become a perfect fit. {A} piece of a puzzle to fill a spot in my life.” She reflected how starting this business has fulfilled so many of her needs and wishes.

“I was looking for a way to contribute to my family’s finances, teach my children to work through seeing me work, use my horticulture knowledge from college, stay at home with my kids, and most of all, find a meaningful way to spread joy…”

The Gratitude Garden inspires Kelly to reflect on the ways she has been blessed in her life and to share with and thank others in a special way.

“I have loved filling my social media spotlighting people I am grateful for and truly giving them thanks for their Christlike examples and influencing others lives for good.”

Likewise, she loves seeing and helping others thank those they love. “It is heartwarming.”

Kelly admits that starting a business was a bit scary, and that she doesn’t consider herself to have a great entrepreneurial spirit.” But says,

“I am so glad I took that leap and began this journey!”

You can find Kelly and her Gratitude Garden on Facebook at The Gratitude Garden.

Flowers and bouquets are done for the season, but her and her entrepreneurial kiddos still have a lovely assortment of pumpkins!

Know a small business in Blackfoot or SE Idaho who you’d love to see celebrated? Send me a message here.

Want to work with me? Have a local event you want photographed?